Spiritual Direction

In-person or remotely

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is an ancient Christian and Jewish practice of meeting one-to-one or as a small group, with a trained person to support and encourage one's spiritual life. Also called spiritual accompaniment or mentoring, it is a slower-paced, contemplative way of listening that helps you attend to the presence of the divine within the whole of your life. You learn subtle ways to connect and grow in relationship with that Source, however you name it, to and respond creatively to that discovery. Your Guide cultivates ways you can build on the spiritual aspect of being human. It is open to everyone - whether or not you follow a particular spiritual path.

A trained spiritual director is a lay person, affiliated or not with a formal religious body, or perhaps none at all. My training was completed in 2010 at Lev Shomea, a two-year program of Elat Chayyim Center for Jewish Spirituality, in Falls village, CT. I earned a doctorate in pastoral ministry in 2014 and my bachelors’ in Catholic theology in 1981. I first had a spiritual director at age 24. I am not ordained. I worked briefly in religious education after college, and in mental health for over 35 years, always with an ear toward clients’ named and intuited spiritual selves.

How does one benefit from the Spiritual Direction session?

Whether or not we’ve ever needed psychotherapy, most of us would agree that even if our lives are going well, we can sense a yearning for more…Life. Or we need help discerning our truest values and guiding principles in order to make life-changing decisions. At the core of our being, we sense the Presence of something larger than ourselves that speaks the truth about our lives— when we are primed to hear. Time spent with a guide creates that space for listening to your true self.

How does it work?

Once a month or so, you sit down with your trained spiritual guide, starting with silence and simple prayer or meditation for the purpose of quietly opening oneself to awareness of the heart’s deepest yearnings. We may talk about spiritual wounds, trauma, desires and joys, and you will learn which ‘stage of faith’ you are currently living in, leaving, or discovering. You may find yourself “re-writing” the God-story you were taught.

~ To rest in your spirit one hour a month:

You will notice subtle changes as you begin to live more closely in line with God/Ultimate Reality/your values/your soul. The work is to explore an invitation to sanctify our living and dying.

~ A sliding fee scale is offered:

The first meeting is at no charge so either party can assess if the relationship will be the ‘right fit.’ Spiritual Direction is typically a monthly meeting and is not covered by health insurance.

60 mins | $70-$125

As Jewish sage Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote in the classic book “Man’s Quest for God:

“what we want…is to be known to [God].”

– Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

I have experienced feeling known, understood, loved, blessed, forgiven, and welcomed by, as musician Bruce Cockburn sings:

“the Love that fuels the stars.”

– Laura Thor

Questions to consider in seeking Spiritual Companioning:

  1. How have you struggled with spiritual fulfillment within your own religious tradition?

  2. What about “God” don’t you believe in or struggle with?

  3. What spiritual words are meaningful to you? (examples: wholeness, centered, joy, happiness, holiness, authenticity, peace, forgiveness, trust, faith, healing, meaning, redemption, freedom, mystery, salvation, Heaven, afterlife, consciousness…)

  4. Have you struggled with prayer, how or why to pray, or what to pray for? Do you have trauma experiences or beliefs that complicate prayer?

  5. Though you believe your life has purpose and free will, do you have difficulty reconciling these forces in your life?

  6. Have you experienced a “dark night of the soul?”

  7. If “God” were coming for a visit with just you, what would you want to talk about?

  8. Who or what is the “God” you want to believe in?